Seat map Embraer ERJ-190 Virgin Australia. Best seats in the plane
Virgin Australia uses Embraer ERJ190 airplane during short-haul flights.
Seat map of the Embraer ERJ-190 (E90)
This airplane offers 98 seats of two classes: business and economy.
There are 6 recliner seats in the business class. These seats are located in two rows and have 1-2 configuration. Passengers of the seats of the 1st row will take advantage of extra legroom. However, these seats are narrower than standard, have no floor storage during rake-off and landing, proximity of the lavatory and galley may be bothersome as well.
Economy class consists of 23 rows of seats that have 2-2 configuration. These seats are located in two sections. First section contains 8 rows of seats.
Thanks to the position of the bulkhead the seats of the 3rd row have extra legroom. As the tray tables are built-in the armrests the width of these seats is reduced a little. Also these seats may have no floor storage during take-off and landing.
Location of the exit row behind makes the seats of the 10th row less reclining than standard.
Second section of economy class seats has 15 rows. Passengers of the seats of the 11th row will feel comfortable thanks to additional space for their legs. Among disadvantages: lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and reduced width because of the immovable armrests.
The seats of the last 25th row are considered bad seats because of the noise from the galley and lavatory located behind.
Useful information about “Virgin Australia”
- Rating and reviews about “Virgin Australia”
- Embraer ERJ-190 Virgin Australia. Photos and description of the plane
- Virgin Australia – company description and aircrafts fleet