Seat map of the Airbus A321 American Airlines
American Airlines owns three versions of Airbus A321. All of them are used for internal, domestic flights.
First cabin version of the Airbus A321 (321)
This version of Airbus A321 airplane may accommodate 187 passengers: 16 in Business class and 171 in Economy class.
In the First class seats are arrange per 4 in a row. Seats in 2nd and 3rd row are standard. Seats in first row are located close to the galley what may bother passengers and they don’t have enough overhead space.
Seats of the last row in the Business class have limited recline.
The seats 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E and 5F have little space for the legs as in front of these seats there is a bulkhead.
The seat 6F has also less room for passenger’s legs as in front of this seat is located a box for entertainment equipment.
Seats 8A, 8B, 8C and 8F are not fill reclining as behind them exit row is located.
In the 9th row there are only 2 seats: 9D and 9E. These seats are not reclining but they have a lot of space for the legs. Also, there is no window here.
The seats 10A, 10B and 10C will like those passengers who prefer to have a lot of extra space for their legs during the flight. However, these seats don’t have storage space above them. As to the seat 10F due to the fact that in front of it jump seat is located, no one will recline to passenger’s space. But this place has such a disadvantage as lack of floor storage and back pocket.
Seats 13A, 14A and 15A and seats 13F, 14F and 15F have misaligned windows.
Behind the seats 20A, 20B and 20C lavatories are located what makes these seats less reclining. For these seats as well as for seats 20D, 21D, 21E and 21F and 33C and 33D the proximity to WC may be bothersome. The same disadvantage applies to seats of the 22nd row (22B, 22C, 22D and 22E). However, these seats have extra room for legs but at the same time their width is less than the width of standard seat.
Good seats in this version of Airbus A321 are seats 23A and 23F. Due to the lack of the seat in front there is extra space for passengers’ legs.
The bad seats in this airplane are seats from 34A to 34F, they are located very close to lavatories and galley and are not reclining at all.
Second cabin version of the Airbus A321 (32B) Transcon
This cabin of Airbus A321 Transcontinental (32B) is divided into 4 sections: first class, business class, main cabin extra and economy class.
First class consists of 10 places. Per 2 in each row. The seats 1 A and 1F are located close to galley and WC what may cause inconvenience to passengers.
Business class consists of 20 seats, per 4 in each row. Seats 6A, 6C, 6D and 6F may be a little uncomfortable due to proximity of lavatories.
Main Cabin Extra section consists of 18 seats, per 6 in each row. These are premium seats. Seats 11A and 11F of this section are bad seats as they have no windows and during takeoff and landing they have no floor storage. However these seats have extra space for legs.
Seats 11B, 11C and 11E are the best seats in entire Airbus A321 (32B) as they have a lot of extra room for passengers’ legs. Seat 11D is also a good seat but without floor storage and during takeoff and landing.
Economy class section as well as Main Cabin Extra section consists of 18 seats. Seats 21C and 21D are standard but proximity of lavatories may be bothersome as well as for passengers of the last row in the Airbus A321 (from 22A to 22F) . Plus the seats of the last row have limited recline. That is why these seats are considered bad seats.
Third cabin version of the Airbus A321 (32B)
This type of Airbus A321 has 181 seats and is divided into three classes: first class, main cabin extra and economy class.
All classes have seats with some remarks. These seats are marked with yellow color. In first class these are seats 1A, 1C, 1D and 1F. Vicinity of WC and galley may bother passengers of these seats. The same remarks have seats 21A, 21B, 21C and 21E, 22D, 23D, 23E and 23F, 35C and 35D. All of them are located in Economy class.
The best seats in this version of Airbus A321 are marked with green color. The best seats in Main Cabin Extra are the seats of the 8th and 12th rows. Passengers of theseats from 12A to 12F as well as seats from 11th row may enjoy extra space for their legs due to emergency exits located in front of them. The same advantage have seats of 24th and 25th rows of economy class due to the similar reason.
Seats of the 9th, 10th rows and the seats from 13A to 13C are premium seats and are located in the Main Cabin Extra.
The worst seats of these version of A321 airplane are marked with red color and as in any aircraft are located in the last row, i.e. seats from 36A to 36F. These seats are less reclining and are located close to the galley and WC what may cause inconvenience to passengers.