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Boeing has taken interest in the concept of the flying train


Jul 2018

Boeing has taken interest in the concept of the flying train

French Company Akka Technologies presented the concept of the airplane that retracts the wings during landing and continues traffic as train. This idea bears the name “Link & Fly”. As to dimensions the airplane is compared with Airbus A320. On the board of this flying train may accommodate 160 passengers. Flying train is 33.8 meters long, has height of 8.2 meters and wing span of…

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The biggest airplanes in the world will be disassembled


Jun 2018

The biggest airplanes in the world will be disassembled

Two already built airplanes Airbus A380 appeared to be unwanted: ten-year rental term of these airplanes has ended but new buyer for them wasn’t found. Two airplanes Airbus A380 the most capacious airplanes in the world will be disassembled in the nearest future and sold to international airline companies, writes Reuters. One of the first airplanes of this type have finished 10 years lifecycle in…

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Boeing Company has presented concept of hypersonic passenger airplane


Jun 2018

Boeing Company has presented concept of hypersonic passenger airplane

Despite the fact that airplane are one of the fastest mode of transports some flights last too much. That is why invention of passenger airplane of higher speed is just a matter of time. Attempts to become pioneer in this direction are taken by world-famous Boeing Company that has introduced its first quite intriguing concept of hypersonic passenger aircraft. Presentation took place in the framework…

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Boeing is getting rid of the suppliers. Part 4


Jun 2018

Boeing is getting rid of the suppliers. Part 4

Self-production of components to deliver which are fighting several competing suppliers will not bring big profits to Boeing. Among such components are hydraulic systems, wheels and brake units. According to specialists Boeing company at present moment is not ready to produce engines on own plants. This requires huge investments. Company will have to allocate expenses among several programs of jet planes’ production. Thanks to full…

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Boeing is getting rid of the suppliers. Part 3


Jun 2018

Boeing is getting rid of the suppliers. Part 3

Onboard system of power supply Power units of modern jet aircrafts are producing incredible volumes of electricity. Thus on the board of Boeing 787 Dreamliner are produced 1,4 MW of electricity – this volume is enough to supply with electricity hundreds of houses. Airborne auxiliary powers that supply airplanes with power on the stations and start engines produce approximately 30% of this electricity. From Boeing…

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Boeing is getting rid of the suppliers. Part 2


Jun 2018

Boeing is getting rid of the suppliers. Part 2

Air frame During production of passenger airplane Boeing 787 Dreamliner Company has minimized volume of details’ production on own plants. So, 65% of the air frame, i.e. construction of the airplane without engine unit have been produced by suppliers from USA, Europe and Japan. Result: years of uncoordinated production and delays in deliveries. Boeing Company had to buy out several companies-suppliers, including two manufacturers of…

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Boeing is getting rid of the suppliers. Part 1


Jun 2018

Boeing is getting rid of the suppliers. Part 1

In the nearest future Boeing may start to manufacture important components for own airplanes. This will change aviation industry a lot and can cause huge consolidation. At the beginning of the current week to big disappointment of many manufacturers of the components for airplanes management of Boeing Corporation has announced start of collaboration with Safran Company. Together with Boeing French Company will manufacture engine units….

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Airbus will close transaction of acquisition production of the Bombardier C Series on July 1st


Jun 2018

Airbus will close transaction of acquisition production of the Bombardier C Series on July 1st

European aerospace company Airbus SE has got all necessary approvals of the regulatory authorities for acquiring controlling share of business of Canadian Bombardier that constructs airplanes Bombardier C Series, informs Airbus in press release. The companies plan to close transaction on July 1st. According to the terms of the transaction Airbus will get 50, 1% of the business C series Aircraft Limited Partnership (CSALP) in…

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Big contract for A350 in May has increased the backlog of orders of Airbus Company to 161 aircrafts


Jun 2018

Big contract for A350 in May has increased the backlog of orders of Airbus Company to 161 aircrafts

European aviation company Airbus has sold 24 commercial airplanes in May. As result the backlog of orders of the manufacturer has increased to 160 airplanes from the beginning of the year also due to contract for 15 wide-bodied A350 in the end of last month from undisclosed customer. The transaction amount is estimated approximately at 4.8 billion USD according to catalog prices. Besides, in May…

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Japan Airlines announced launch of long-haul low-cost company. Part 2


Jun 2018

Japan Airlines announced launch of long-haul low-cost company. Part 2

One more big Japan airline company – All Nippon Airways (ANA) owns two low-cost companies: Peach and Vanilla Air that in the nearest future will also be united under one brand Peach. According to medium-term forecasts, from 2020 ANA plans to involve new types of aircrafts in the park of the low-cost carriers for serving medium-haul international flight. The hubs of these low-cost companies are…

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