Mar 2017Seat map Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner KLM. Best seats in the plane
Boeing 787-900 operated by KLM offers seats of three types: world business, economy comfort and economy.
Boeing 787-900 operated by KLM offers seats of three types: world business, economy comfort and economy.
“KLM” operates Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner. On December 15th 2009 took place first flight of Boeing 787 that lasted about 3 hours. After this flight Boeing company has declared nine months schedule of flying tests.
KLM operates 2 versions of Boeing 777-300 airplane.
“KLM” operates Boeing 777-300. In 1998 the airlines of Cathay Pacific Airways have entered airplanes Boeing 777-300 that differed from previous model with elongated body and increased passenger capacity.
KLM operates 2 versions of Boeing 777-200 airplane.
“KLM” operates Boeing 777-200. Boeing 777-200 ER has the following performance data: wing span – 60.93 meters, the length – 63.73 meters, the height – 18.52 meters, the wing surface – 427.8 square meters.
KLM operates 2 versions of Boeing 747-400 airplane.
“KLM” operates Boeing 747-400. The new airplane Boeing 747-400 received elongated wings the span of which was 64.44 meters that was 4.8 meters more than of Boeing 747-300.
Boeing 737-900 operated by KLM may transport 278 passengers.
“KLM” operates Boeing 737-900. The biggest and the newest airplane of 737 series is Boeing 737-900.