
Passenger airplane has flown the Atlantic on the fuel made of emissions of steelmaking plant. Part 2


Oct 2018

Passenger airplane has flown the Atlantic on the fuel made of emissions of steelmaking plant. Part 2

Technology was developed by LanzaTech and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory specialists of one of national laboratories of US Department of Energy. Fuel manufactured after this technology was certified and approved for use in passenger aviation in mixtures with common aviation kerosene with part of synthetic fuel up to 50%. 50% is much: earlier airplane of Alaska Airlines flew from Seattle to Washigton on the fuel…

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Passenger airplane has flown the Atlantic on the fuel made of emissions of steelmaking plant. Part 1


Oct 2018

Passenger airplane has flown the Atlantic on the fuel made of emissions of steelmaking plant. Part 1

Airplane of Virgin Atlantic Company with fuel tanks filled with kerosene-fuel mixture resulted from recycling the waste of steelmaking industry made the first flight. Yesterday night from Orlando (Florida) to London took-off passenger airplane Boeing 747 of Virginia Atlantic Company. Fuel tanks of the aircraft were filled with mixture of aviation kerosene and fuel mad e of wastes of Chinese steelmaking plant. According to estimations…

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Chinese airplane AG600 has successfully passed taxiing-out tests on the water on high speeds


Oct 2018

Chinese airplane AG600 has successfully passed taxiing-out tests on the water on high speeds

China has successfully carried out taxiing-out tests on the water on high speeds of their amphibian airplane AG600 constructed by Chinese aircraft corporation (AVIC). As Xinhua agency informs this stage of tests on the water took place on Monday on one of the storage lakes in Jingmen city (central province of Hubei). During this run on high speeds on the water surface was tested stability…

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Airplane flew through the eye of storm


Sep 2018

Airplane flew through the eye of storm

Camera on the board of American airplane has registered unique scenes – the board that flew through dark clouds has reached the center of Florence storm. The video was taken on the board of hurricane hunter aerospace engineer Nick Underwood who wrote in social media: “This is probably the coolest thing I’ve filmed”. Hurricane hunters are US airplanes that fly inside tropic cyclone for getting…

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Elaboration of carrier-based unmanned fuel tanker was entrusted to Boeing


Sep 2018

Elaboration of carrier-based unmanned fuel tanker was entrusted to Boeing

American Aviation Company Boeing won tender on elaboration carrier-based unmanned aerial vehicle – fuel tanker MQ-25 Stingray. As Defense News informs the Company got the contract of US Navy on elaboration, construction and testing first four unmanned aerial vehicles. Amount of transaction has made 805 million USD. After successful end of this stage Boeing Company may receive contract for construction of 68 more unmanned aerial…

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Stratospheric glider from Airbus set a flight altitude record


Sep 2018

Stratospheric glider from Airbus set a flight altitude record

Stratospheric glider Perlan 2 that is being elaborated by division of Airbus concern has set flight altitude record during test flight. It is said in the company’s message. Record was set among non-motorized air vehicles. So, Perlan 2 climbed up to 18.9 thousand meters according to the data of pressure gauge device and 18.5 meters according to GPS data. As it is marked in the…

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Uber, Boeing and Airbus will help Japan in flying cars’ development


Sep 2018

Uber, Boeing and Airbus will help Japan in flying cars’ development

Japan government created flying cars’ development group which entered representatives of different companies including Uber, Boeing and Airbus. As Bloomberg informs from the beginning the group will consist of representatives of 21 companies. Among which – Airbus, Uber, Boeing, start-up Cartivator (in which Toyota Company invested), Japan Airlines and other. The group held meeting on August 29th on which further plans have been discussed. Japan…

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Pilot landed airplane with broken wings


Sep 2018

Pilot landed airplane with broken wings

Pilot of Jet2 Airline Company landed in Manchester airport at full speed with broken wings informs Daily Mail. Airplane flew from Greek island Crete and had to land in UK city Leeds. However, after making circles during one hour pilot has reported that flaps of the aircraft that are responsible for deceleration are disabled and he will have to make emergency landing in another airport….

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The biggest amphibian airplane in the world begins first water tests


Sep 2018

The biggest amphibian airplane in the world begins first water tests

Recently flying and ground tests of the biggest amphibian airplane in the world have finished and the water tests phase began. The biggest amphibian airplane in the world got name AG600 (the second name of the airplane is Kunlong) and it is constructed in China. Wing span of the AG600 is 38.8 meters; the body length is 36.9 meters. The airplane is equipped with four…

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What happens if lightning strikes the airplane? Part 3


Aug 2018

What happens if lightning strikes the airplane? Part 3

Most often the lightning may strike in cumulus clouds. Statistics about lightning strikes say about the most often cases for those airplanes that are overcoming cumulus clouds and are flying not higher than 2-2.5 kilometers over the land. The strike often appears as result of flying through electrified cloud. But small light airplanes are very seldom stroke by lightning. World aviation knows few serious incidents…

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