
Scientists from European Union will change design of airplane’s wing. Part 2


Oct 2018

Scientists from European Union will change design of airplane’s wing. Part 2

Engineers from Pisa University (Italy) make tests over the local lake. They are checking fine tuning of the flight management system. Collected data specialists will pass to aviation workers. But is the industry ready to such radical innovations? Scientists are sure that their elaboration has convincing advantages. Engineer Vittorrio Chippola says that it is airplane of the same category as Boeing 737 or Airbus A…

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Scientists from European Union will change design of airplane’s wing. Part 1


Oct 2018

Scientists from European Union will change design of airplane’s wing. Part 1

Modern aviation faces various problems from economical to ecological. Which solutions will help the branch? One of the variants is optimization of the airplanes’ design thanks to changing the wing’s form. Futuris program invites to Italy where engineers test models of the airplanes of the future. Quite futuristic design of the new airplane is based on the aerodynamic model offered back in 1924. Researchers are…

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Airbus will engineer compact version of the airplane for oversize cargo Beluga XL


Oct 2018

Airbus will engineer compact version of the airplane for oversize cargo Beluga XL

Aviation group of companies Airbus will launch light version of their airplane for oversize cargo. Modification will allow company avoiding excessively high airport fees for reception and maintenance of the airplane writes Flightglobal. In new version Beluga XL maximum take-off of the airplane will reduce from 227 to 205 tones. Besides, Airbus intends to reduce the length of the airplane to 63.1 meters, the height…

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The biggest airline engine in the world goes through final flight tests


Oct 2018

The biggest airline engine in the world goes through final flight tests

American Company General Electric conducts final tests of the perspective turbofan jets GE9X that is considered the biggest in the world writes Aviation Week. During the engineering process aviation engines go through series of various tests that first are made on special stands on the ground and after on flying laboratories in the air. Such tests allow evaluating real characteristics of the engine units and…

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Singapore Airline Company has resumed the longest route in the world Singapore – New York


Oct 2018

Singapore Airline Company has resumed the longest route in the world Singapore – New York

The longest flight in the world was resumed by Singapore Airline Company. From September 11 their airplanes began to fly between Singapore and New York. Traveling time during which airplane will overcome more than 15 thousand kilometers will make 18 hours 45 minutes. For these flights Airline Company bought seven new airplanes of extra-power that in comparison with old airplanes consume by 20-30 % less…

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In USA have been collided drone and airplane


Oct 2018

In USA have been collided drone and airplane

Researchers from Dayton University (Ohio, USA) common quadcopter DJI Phantom 4 was collided with airplane’s wing. They made this crush-test to understand how dangerous drones may be for passenger airplane. Research results issue Aviation International News presented in video. Collision was “staged” in laboratory setting. Drones stroke the airplane’s wing at a speed of 383 kilometers per hour (the speed of Boeing 737 during take-off…

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No ground roll. Part 2


Oct 2018

No ground roll. Part 2

Will aviation engineer be able to “learn” passenger airplane take-off and land vertically safely? How strong this wish is could convince spectators of one of the latest Farnborough air show. Pilot of Japan Airline Company showed incredible trick: has scrambled 254-tone Boeing 787 Dreamliner during take-off almost vertically. It looked breathtaking. Analytics consider perspective to get “vertiplane” for civil aviation attractive. However, such technology (not…

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No ground roll. Part 1


Oct 2018

No ground roll. Part 1

In USA passenger airplane with vertical take-off was presented. One of American start-ups presented airplane with vertical take-off and landing. This airplane may accommodate 6 passengers. What is the main peculiarity of this hybrid? It doesn’t need airport, flight strip any suitable grounds will fit including grounds for heliport decks. Experts have calculated: flight on this machine will cost more than on business-jet. But journey…

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