
Learjet 75 Liberty new view of business jets from Bombardier


Sep 2019

Learjet 75 Liberty new view of business jets from Bombardier

Canadian manufacturer Bombardier presented Learjet 75 Liberty as its newest offer in the family of legendary business jets brand. It is repurposed airplane that will be economically competitive from the point of view of operational costs but will have competitive spends during acquisition as compared to light airplanes certified after Part 23. For this purpose Liberty will have less passenger seats and options than original…

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Mass media: in Great Britain passenger of the airplane replaced pilot that was absent at work


Sep 2019

Mass media: in Great Britain passenger of the airplane replaced pilot that was absent at work

In Great Britain passenger Michael Bradley of airplane took pilot’s seat because pilot was absent at work. Airplane of EasyJet Airline Company that had to make flight from Manchester to Spanish Alicante was delayed because pilot didn’t come to work. Tourists that managed to go through customs and border control were informed that flight is being delayed for indefinite time. Passenger Michael Bradley who was…

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Airbus A350 XWB with smart cabin was shown from inside


Sep 2019

Airbus A350 XWB with smart cabin was shown from inside

Interactive system with which Airbus A350 XWB is equipped monitors enforcement of safety rules and allows passengers to communicate with the crew team comfortably. At the International Aviation and Space Show in Zhukovsky was demonstrated aircraft Airbus A350-900 (XWB). The novelty is equipped with innovative smart cabin thanks to which comfort of the passengers reaches maximum level. As soon as passenger takes one place or…

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Innovative design of Airbus A350-900 from AMAC Aerospace and Pinifarina


Sep 2019

Innovative design of Airbus A350-900 from AMAC Aerospace and Pinifarina

Absolutely new emotions that will give wide design skills of Pinifarina Company and unique experience of AMAC Aerospace in finishing of airplanes are waiting for you. Imagine how you enter the lobby of luxury hotel, drink your beverage with delight and then you just have rest on a comfortable sofa surrounded by greenery. Imagine how you have dinner with a sunset view on the sea…

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Airbus will create airplane capable to clear air by 50%


Aug 2019

Airbus will create airplane capable to clear air by 50%

European aviation company Airbus is engineering airplane that is capable to reduce volume of air emissions twice. The secret of this concept consists in hybrid-electric engine unit. Conceptual model of the new airplane Airbus representatives showed on aviation exhibition Royal International Air tattoo. The perspective project got the name Bird of Prey and it is hardly a surprise. The airplane reminds of a bird by…

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Boeing and Airbus competitor: first Chinese medium-range airplane. Part 3


Aug 2019

Boeing and Airbus competitor: first Chinese medium-range airplane. Part 3

In technical point of view C919 is a solid middle peasant. Share of composites in airplane construction is relatively not high and it cedes to Russian MC-21 in this. It also cedes in cabin wideness and other airplane characteristics truly speaking do not impress. Though it is fully modern machine in addition there is not a lot of Chinese in it. Avionic – from American…

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Boeing and Airbus competitor: first Chinese medium-range airplane. Part 2


Aug 2019

Boeing and Airbus competitor: first Chinese medium-range airplane. Part 2

After launching ARJ21, COMAC management considered that acquired skills are enough to construct airplane of higher class and in 2010 began first project works of medium-range aircraft C919 with passenger capacity of 156-174 people that should compete with such world bestsellers as Boeing 737 and Airbus A320. The last are the most sold in the world, have well-adjusted during many years of operation service network…

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Boeing and Airbus competitor: first Chinese medium-range airplane. Part 1


Aug 2019

Boeing and Airbus competitor: first Chinese medium-range airplane. Part 1

Economic boost of China caused appearance of audacious aviation industry of the Celestial Empire aimed both to internal and external markets. Chinese Company Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) came into the world a little more than ten years ago in 2008. Till present it managed to launch regional aircraft ARJ21, finishes tests of narrow-body medium-haul airplane C919 and is getting ready to start construction…

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