
Boeing KC-46A Pegasus made record of nonstop flight: it flew almost 26000 kilometers


Nov 2022

Boeing KC-46A Pegasus made record of nonstop flight: it flew almost 26000 kilometers

The airplane was handled by turn by three crews. The newest American flying tanker Boeing KC-46A Pegasus made record non-stop flight: it flew 16000 miles (25749 kilometers. For reference: circumference of the Earth is 40000 kilometers). Taking into account that standard practical range of these airplanes makes about 12000 kilometers. As it is informed, one of the airplanes KC-46A Pegasus that is operated as part…

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First commercial flight in the history departed from Israel to Qatar


Nov 2022

First commercial flight in the history departed from Israel to Qatar

First commercial flight in the history Tel Aviv-Doha departed from the Ben Gurion Airport said messages of the departure board. Flight 1162 was made by Cyprus airline company TUS Airlines. With first flight to Qatar departed 180 football fans, informed Internet edition “Yediot Achronot”. Journalists mark that the tickets were printed on Hebrew, Arabic and English languages “Making history”. Flight lasted about three and half…

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In Romania became bankrupt airline company Blue Air


Nov 2022

In Romania became bankrupt airline company Blue Air

Romanian government may become major shareholder of the local low-cost airline company Blue Air after, the company that is on the verge of bankruptcy will not be able to fulfill conditions of the loan agreement for 60.7 million euro that was assured by Romanian government and in such a way will not be able to pay instalment. Company’s declaration made on Friday, November 18th says…

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Airline company Finnair will dismiss 25% of personnel


Nov 2022

Airline company Finnair will dismiss 25% of personnel

European airline company Finnair will dismiss about 25% of personnel of cabin crew with the goal of severe reduction of the expenses after prohibition of the flights in the air area of Russian Federation has seriously changed business model of the air carrier in the flights in Asian countries, Bloomberg writes. Finnish company declared that plans to dismiss 450 out of 1750 flight attendants. Besides,…

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In London airport Heathrow began strike


Nov 2022

In London airport Heathrow began strike

About 350 members of ground handling personnel of the biggest London airport Heathrow started 3 days strike on November 18th, claiming increase of the salary against record increase of the life cost, TV channel Sky News informed. “Ground personnel in Heathrow announced 72-hours strike as protestation against low salary. About 350 employees started protest campaign from 4 a.m. on Friday”, – Sky News message says….

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Lufthansa informed pandemic crises recovery


Nov 2022

Lufthansa informed pandemic crises recovery

Deutsche Lufthansa AG got profit in the third quarter 2022, increased income almost twice and informed pandemic crises recovery. As press release says, net profit of the air carrier in July-September made 809 million euro as compared to the loss in amount of 72-million-euro one year earlier. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) made 1.13 billion euro as compared to 251 million one year earlier…

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Alternate fuel: flights on sunflower oil and ethanol. Part 3


Nov 2022

Alternate fuel: flights on sunflower oil and ethanol. Part 3

India and flights on ethanol. In the nearest months Ministry of civil aviation and Ministry of the oil and natural gas of India will elaborate methods of SAF usage. As opposed to European and American carriers, Indian companies only begin their work in this direction – India made small number of demonstration flights on mixed fuel. First of them was made by SpiceJet – on…

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Alternate fuel: flights on sunflower oil and ethanol. Part 2


Nov 2022

Alternate fuel: flights on sunflower oil and ethanol. Part 2

New Zealand and flights on cooking oil. In September of the current year New Zealand airline company Air New Zealand received first lot of SAF Neste MY that is produced of renewable wastes and primary products balances – cooking fat of vegetal and animal origin. Airline company plans to fully switch to environmentally friendly fuel to 2050. In New Zealand came 1.2 million fuel Neste…

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Alternate fuel: flights on sunflower oil and ethanol. Part 1


Nov 2022

Alternate fuel: flights on sunflower oil and ethanol. Part 1

Different countries and some companies pass on their ideas and plans for transition from traditional and non-ecological types of aviation fuel such as kerosene and benzines to alternate and save variants for nature. Let’s see what is offered to the airplanes to fly. On the agenda – ecology. For global aviation fall 1.9% greenhouse gas emissions, 2.5% of CO2 emissions and 3.5% of radiative action…

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Transport of future – concept of flying hotel Sky Cruise for 5000 passengers was presented


Nov 2022

Transport of future – concept of flying hotel Sky Cruise for 5000 passengers was presented

Flying hotel Sky Cruise will be able to stay in the sky for years. Sky Cruise is flying hotel on nuclear power invented by Hashem Al Ghaili, Yemeni engineer who presented his vision of the airplane with artificial intellect capable to transport up to 5000 passengers and fully change industry of the hotels and aviation. Project creator was inspired by paintings of the artist Tony…

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