Search Results for: amp

Airplane with “fans”: new engineers’ word. Part 2


Feb 2019

Airplane with “fans”: new engineers’ word. Part 2

On this market presence of electric engine may provide ne airplane with huge advantage because today fuel expenses according to the different estimates are from 29 to 34% of all expenses of airline companies. Use of electric engine will allow reducing this figure by 5 times! But taking into consideration high prices of oil products (and in the future they may be even higher), electric…

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Airplane with “fans”: new engineers’ word. Part 1


Feb 2019

Airplane with “fans”: new engineers’ word. Part 1

Tests of unusual flying machine started in USA. New elaboration of XTI Aircraft under the name TriFan 60 at present moment is on the stage of so-called “ground tests” (i.e. it hasn’t got-off). However, engineers have already registered their air vehicle and promise to make first flight soon. Engineers are checking functionality of all airplane systems, operation of engines, electronics and so on. The main…

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Air passenger showed the most unusual food in economy class


Feb 2019

Air passenger showed the most unusual food in economy class

Henry Wu worked as software developer in Chicago and decided to drop everything, sell his house and go travelling. In 2016 the man has registered travel-blog in Instagram but is sharing not places of interest of various countries but pictures of the meals from the airplanes. Henry flew almost with all big airline companies in the world and collected quite big gallery of pictures with…

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Italians tested airplane of the primary flight instruction


Dec 2018

Italians tested airplane of the primary flight instruction

Italian perspective training aircraft of the primary flight instruction M-345 HET made first flight on December 21st 2018. According to the message of the Italian corporation Leonardo tests took place in Venegono-Superiore airport located in Varese province on the North of Italia. All checks that were made were considered successful. Elaboration of the airplane of primary flight instruction M-345 is made in Italy with variable…

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Argentines assembled serial aircrafts for the first time in a decade


Dec 2018

Argentines assembled serial aircrafts for the first time in a decade

Argentinean Aviation Company FAdeA constructed first serial training aircrafts IA-63 Pampa III that in the nearest future will be delivered for tests to Argentinean Air Force. According to the company’s message on the plant located in Cordoba were assembled three airplanes. These are first flying machines constructed by FAdeA Company for the last ten years. Pampa III is deeply modernized version of the training aircraft…

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Airplanes made of bamboo will be manufactured in France


Dec 2018

Airplanes made of bamboo will be manufactured in France

French Company intends to create new composite material that will consist of bamboo and that will be able to replace fiber-glass elements in the cabin. BAMCO Company declared this. New material is more environmentally friendly than analogues made of carbon and glass fiber polymeric matrix. But developers do not guarantee rid of phenyl-formaldehyde resin because bamboo binders namely with phenyl-formaldehyde resin. How bamboo details will…

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Pilot revealed the truth about night landing of the airplanes


Nov 2018

Pilot revealed the truth about night landing of the airplanes

Pilot and author of the book “How to land a plane” Mark Vanhoenacker told how difficult in fact is to land an airplane at night time informs Express UK. Vanhoenacker explained that most people think that airports are lightened very well and that is truth if talking about airport terminal. But taxi tracks and flight landing strips are illuminated so badly that when landing, especially…

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New airplane Odyssey may fly for years without landing


Nov 2018

New airplane Odyssey may fly for years without landing

A group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) graduates crated unique flying machine Odyssey that is not only powered by solar power but also is able to generate voltage for its’ load – satellite or research equipment. Engineers assure that if needed this machine may fly in the stratosphere all the year. Is it a bird or an airplane? Not quite. Odyssey is new high…

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The biggest airline engine in the world goes through final flight tests


Oct 2018

The biggest airline engine in the world goes through final flight tests

American Company General Electric conducts final tests of the perspective turbofan jets GE9X that is considered the biggest in the world writes Aviation Week. During the engineering process aviation engines go through series of various tests that first are made on special stands on the ground and after on flying laboratories in the air. Such tests allow evaluating real characteristics of the engine units and…

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