
Airline Companies resumed sale of the tickets for flights of Boeing 737 Max


Aug 2019

Airline Companies resumed sale of the tickets for flights of Boeing 737 Max

Carriers began to sell tickets again for the flights on Boeing 737 Max airplane though airplanes of this model are temporary not allowed to fly after the crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia. Some carriers planned more than 32600 flights with the use of these airplanes, – informed The Sunday Times with reference to the data of analytic company OAG Aviation. According to the data of…

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Embraer certified new business-jet Praetor 500


Aug 2019

Embraer certified new business-jet Praetor 500

Embraer Company got certificate from Brazilian Civil Aviation National Agency (ANAC) for the new business-jet of middle class Praetor 500. From the moment of program announcement till certification less than one year passed. About elaboration of this machine was announced on the exhibition of business aviation NBAA in October of previous years. Nine-seat Praetor 500 and its more capacious variant Praetor 600 represent further development…

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Hong Kong airport canceled hundreds flights despite resumption of work


Aug 2019

Hong Kong airport canceled hundreds flights despite resumption of work

Hundreds of flights were canceled on Tuesday in International Hong Kong Airport despite resumption of work showed data of flights online. On Monday afternoon airport stopped operation after departure and arrival lounges were occupied by thousands antigovernment protesters demonstrating against draft law about extradition. Operation of the transport hub resumed on Tuesday morning. Airport administration in the published message informed that in the schedule of…

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New Boeing airplane


Aug 2019

New Boeing airplane

Boeing is getting ready to engineer new model of passenger airplane. For several years now there is program on corporation for creation of airplane in new class that is named New Mid-Market Airplane (NMA). In the future airplane may get name 797 specialized mass-media informed. Details of the program are not published by corporation. It is known only that it has corresponding division. Experts consider…

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Airbus reported twice profit markup against the backdrop of Boeing crisis


Aug 2019

Airbus reported twice profit markup against the backdrop of Boeing crisis

European aviation consortium Airbus reported significant profit increase in the first half of 2019. In the press-release of corporation is said that profit of all divisions before taxes and interests on credit (alias adjusted EBIT) for the first six months in 2019 more than twice increased profit of the first half-year period of 2018. From January to June 2019 inclusively corporation earned 2.53 billion euro….

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British Airways cancelled more than 90 flights on Tuesday because of computers failure


Aug 2019

British Airways cancelled more than 90 flights on Tuesday because of computers failure

British Airways informed about failure in computer system that affected system of electronic registration on the flights – says the Twitter ob Britain Airline Company. “Today we have encountered system problems that influence registration and flights’ departures” – is said in the answer of the air carrier to one of users. Company urged Customers to come to the airport in good time. As The Telegraph…

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Portugal signed contract for acquisition of 5 airplanes Embraer KC-390


Aug 2019

Portugal signed contract for acquisition of 5 airplanes Embraer KC-390

Government of Portugal announced firm order for five multipurpose aircrafts Embraer KC-390 in the framework of the modernization process of Portuguese Air Force’s potential to support operations of national military forces and increase the readiness to missions that represent social interest. Deliveries are planned to be started in 2023, Embraer press service informs. KC-390 was engineered to determine new standards of efficiency and performance in…

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WSJ found out about the plans not to return Boeing 737 Max in the air till 2020


Aug 2019

WSJ found out about the plans not to return Boeing 737 Max in the air till 2020

To check the airplane new tests will be necessary to be made. These tests will take several months. As of yet pilots are not ready to work on the airplane. Specialists of Federal Aviation Agency unlikely will issue the certificate for Boeing 737 Max flight resumption till the beginning of 2020. As Wall Street Journal informs it is explained with necessity of additional tests for…

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Materialized from nowhere airplane landed in London


Aug 2019

Materialized from nowhere airplane landed in London

Airbus A380 airplane of Emirates Airline Company “materialized from nowhere” in London airport. Unusual video was published in the Internet. London airport Gatwick was folded in the dense fog. On camera was caught flight strip of the airport on which aircrafts were parked. Suddenly from a thick cloud hanging not high above the ground “materialized” giant liner of Emirates Company that was landing. According to…

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